JOYSTAR Balance Bike 2 Years Old, Toddler Balance Bike with Colorful Lighting Wheels, No Pedal Toddler Bike for 18 Months to 5 Years Old, Birthday Gifts Bike for 2-5 Boys Girls
Balance is everything when you're learning how to ride, and JOYSTAR Balance Bike is the perfect teaching tool for toddlers who are mastering this important skill.
Each balance bike has been manufactured to perfection, so your toddler has bump free rides. Moreover, grip on the handlebars is a must, which allows your toddler to feel comfortable.
Please don't hesitate to buy one perfect for your toddler!
JOYSTAR Keano Shimmer 12"Toddler Balance Bike
A fun way for small toddlers to riding bicycles this girls and boys balance bike lets them push, stand, and walk their way around the outdoors with a sturdy frame and well-balanced, kid-friendly design for 18 months to 5 years old.
The Shimmer Balance Bike comes with colorful lighting wheels to make riding more fun and amazing. No batteries are required, just roll the wheels to spark the lighting in wheels. Cool lights add extra fun for children.
We know kids grow fast and we would like them to enjoy their riding partner longer, both handlebar and seat height can be adjusted, the quick release clamps make it really easy and safe to adjust the handlebar and seat height to your needs.
Small Bike Big Fun
Equipped with high-quality rubber pneumatic tires, our balance bike delivers a smooth and comfortable ride, allowing your child to easily navigate various terrains while developing their balance and coordination skills.
With JOYSTAR's durable steel frame and puncture-proof tires, you don't have to worry about damage or maintenance. This toddler bike comes with the basic assembly tools, perfect customer service and also limited lifetime warranty.
Balance bikes are Fun
Balance bikes are great for fun as they provide a sense of accomplishment once your child is able to ride it without any assistance.
Encourage Active Play
Promote physical activity which is good for young children. It helps get them up off the couch and away from the TV while strengthening minds and bodies.
Instilling Self-Confidence
Riding a bike offers many great healthy benefits, learning to pushing around gives them confidence that translates to the classroom.
Gets Kids Outside
Playing outdoors has been proven to have a variety of benefits for kids
Improve Coordination
Bicycling not only engages the whole body, but also multiple different parts of the brain.
Promotes Self-Confidence
Learning to ride a bike is difficult. mastering that skill can boost kids’ self-confidence
Keeps Physically Healthy
Riding a bike is a great way to ensure that kids stay active and healthy.
Enjoy Family Time
Cycling with kids can help you be close to them, understand their problems and worries
Easy to Get Around
Riding a bike becomes a quick and healthy way for them to get to and from school, sporting and play activities.