đBest Gift for 2-4 Years Kids - JOYSTAR Kids bike with 12-inch EVA wheels is designed for toddlers 2-4 years old or 33 - 41 inches tall. This toddler bike is perfect for riding to the park or riding on the sidewalk around the neighborhood.
đ˛Sturdy Design - Durable Hi-Ten steel frame and fork provide awesome impact resistance and easily surivive the multiple bumps of learning ride a bicycle. The lightweight frame and EVA foam tires are easy for toddlers to manoeuvre the bike
đ˛Safe for Young Riders - Enclosed chain guard, prevent your kids getting hurt. Removable training wheels will keep everything pointing in the right direction till she's ready to balance on her own.
đ˛Your Children Will Love It - Singlespeed drivetrain and soft grips keep it easy for her to learn and feel comfortable behind the wheel. The toddler bicycles come with basket and DIY Decal stickers adding more fun for your child to get pedaling up to speed in a flash.
đ˛Service & Warranty - With JOYSTAR's durable steel frame and puncture-proof tires, you don't have to worry about damage or maintenance. The kids bike comes with 85% assembled body and the basic assembly tools, perfect customer service and also Lifetime Warranty on manufacturing defects for all metal frames, rigid forks, stems, and handlebars.